In a realm teetering on the brink of darkness, a young blacksmith named Kael finds himself thrust into an ancient battle he never asked to join. When a mysterious, rune-etched sword chooses him as its wielder, Kael must abandon the quiet forge he’s always known and embark on a perilous journey to reunite the fragments of the blade. Each piece brings immense power and devastating danger.
Joined by a cunning warrior with secrets of her own, a sarcastic yet loyal rogue, and a stone sentinel forged from molten fury, Kael ventures into cursed lands where shadows breathe and the past whispers truths too painful to face. But as the blade grows stronger, so does the malice of Veldar, the Dark King, whose shadowed armies will stop at nothing to claim the sword’s power.
In the face of unrelenting danger and overwhelming doubt, Kael must confront not only the forces of darkness but also the weight of the legacy he’s been chosen to bear. Will the sword’s light guide him to victory, or will its immense power consume him first?
"The Fractured Light" is a sweeping fantasy tale of courage, friendship, and the choices that shape a hero. A must-read for fans of epic quests, fierce battles, and the eternal struggle between light and shadow.
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