Eva is a young Italian girl on holiday in England in the 1980s. She meets by chance a young man named William who has a strange past and at present lives a sad life of loneliness. They fall in love passionately and uncontrollably. New emotions and a strong physical attraction overwhelm them, but their simple anonymous love story unexpectedly becomes world known. William becomes a famous actor and begins a brilliant career. Their love pays the price of this new found life as a celebrity and comes to an end. After twenty years, though, life puts the two lovers on each others path again, after Eva had been living a simple life with her husband Paolo and their children, and William had become a sex symbol of the big screen. Their awkward past comes knocking again at their door, thanks to a series of unexpected events. What will happen between the two?
After the success in italian, comes english version, already five-star!Engaging and romantic until the last page
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