The Shaolin Encyclopedia is an essential reading for all students or teachers who want to advance to a higher level or to understand the core of traditional Northern Shaolin Kung Fu as an art and practice. This is the complete series of traditional Northern Shaolin books that martial arts students are waiting for: learning history and philosophy; study the principles and concepts of style; explore the finer points, both as a theory and as martial applications, which are applicable to training in many other martial arts styles; acquire the essential theory of Chan philosophy, the martial art of Shaolin and QiGong; understand the concepts of fighting behind the movements; examine and explore the details of the forms, including the key principles of the movements as well as their advanced martial applications; develop martial skills through specific training techniques; important books for the designer who seek to obtain clarity in his understanding of martial arts, regardless of the style practiced; discover how to analyze the shapes and the martial applications in Shaolin KungFu, acquiring superior knowledge about your style and insights that will give you a greater understanding of your art; increase your strength, improve your health and develop explosive martial strength with Shaolin Qigong. This book contains: Dedication, Author, Blue Belt 2 Stripes Level, Namo Amituofo in Cultura Shaolin, The skill, Yin Yang principle in combat, Principle of reducing - decrease, Principle of Fluency – Continuity, Unit concept in QiGong, The meaning of the Yin-Yang Principle, Combinations with Partners, Shaolin Wu Hua Quan - Basic Martial Applications, Shaolin Ba Duan Jin, Martial Arts Association International, Chin Woo Athletic Association, Italian Chin Woo Athletic Association, Bei Shaolin Quan Italy.
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